Tuesday 14 April 2009

What happened?

Whoa what happened? There I was thinking I would be addicted to blogging and doing it all the time, and then as soon as I get my blog started I clam up and can't think of anything very good to write about.
I was going to write about cakes but I'm experiencing a serious cake drout right now (though I have had some good brownies and chocolate to make up for it!).
On the films front, I saw 'Let the One Right One In' on Friday. I saw the dubbed version, which I'm not pleased about as I hate dubbing. I enjoy the whole experience of watching a foreign film, including hearing the original language. So, the dubbing was bad - I don't think the voice over actors were even acting - they seemed bored. Or maybe that was deliberate, as the whole film was somehow detached and weird. Weird in a good way I hasten to add.
I love horror films but I'm wary of any new ones released as they are always bad remakes of foreign films, or full of overly gory torture scenes. This film is refreshing. It is beautifully shot, delicate and haunting.
The other film I saw over the weekend was 'Burn After Reading'. A peculiar film; spies, affairs and bad hair. The acting is terrific. It's a funny film, with Brad Pitt especially hilarious as the dumb gym instructor.
My novel writing was on hold over the weekend but I'm keen to get started again as the plot is becoming clearer and more exciting. It maybe a tad odd but I like listening to the sleepmaker application on my iPhone when I write. The rain and storm ones are especially good for creating atmospheric sounds to accompany the images in my head. I often listen to music when I write but sometimes it can be off putting - sometimes I just want to sing along; big distraction!

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